Sundays at Meridian Campus
8:30 am, Worship Service in the sanctuary
8:30 am, livestream Worship, click HERE to watch the service on YouTube Live
11:00 am, Worship Service in the sanctuary
Note: At Meridian Campus the Sacrament of Holy Communion is celebrated as follows:
8:30 am service - 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month
11:00 am service - 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundays of the month
Sunday Bible Classes
9:45 am, Adult Bible Class, Meridian Campus
Fellowship Center
9:45am, Adult Bible Class, Christ Campus
Fellowship Hall
9:45 am, preschool - 12th grade Bible Class, Meridian Campus
Sundays at Christ Campus
11:00 am, Communion Worship Service Christ Campus, sanctuary
2:00 pm, Christ Campus, Kiswahili service
6:00 pm, Christ Campus, Arabic service
Livestream service is on Sundays
at 8:30 am on YouTube
(@StLukeHaslett - click HERE for link).
Feel free to watch the recorded sermons and teaching videos on the St. Luke YouTube channel (search St Luke Haslett). Click HERE to connect to our YouTube channel.
All of our Worship services and all of our activities and ministries are firmly based on Scripture
with Jesus Christ as the focal point.
All of our worship services are “blended,” combining traditional liturgy and organ music with contemporary service formats and praise band music.